


3D Technology and Cultural Heritage


International symposium, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), August 5th-6th, 2016


An international scientific event organized within the project "When ancient everyday life becomes UNESCO heritage. The scanning, digital restoration and contextualization of Dacian artefacts from Orăştie Mountains - Contract PA-16/RO 12-LP10"






The newest technologies are completely transforming the way the cultural heritage is approached by specialists and presented to the public, but also are bringing a multitude of challenges to the spotlight of the worldwide research in the field of IT and Archaeology.

In this context, the growing demands of the general public for an attractive, still scientific, presentation of the past are important signs of the civic awareness towards heritage protection. The digitization of ancient monuments and artefacts opens new perspectives in the better understanding and preservation of the heritage.




- Methods and techniques of artefacts’ digitization;
- Converting 3D digitized models to a format compatible mobile devices and VR and AR applications;
- The systematization of historical and archaeological information in electronic format
- Management of database with digitized artefact
- Virtual museums
- Virtual reality and Augmented reality as tools for popularization of cultural heritage
- Virtual reconstructions of ancient monuments
- Archaeology and 3D techniques
- Quality in digitization
- Digital preservation of cultural heritage
- Modern interaction with digital cultural heritage
- Different scientific aproach of cultural heritage




All submitted presentation must present original, unpublished research or experiences. Each presentation (in English, German, French or Romanian) must be limited to 20 minutes.




14th July 2016: Extend abstract deadline (2x A4 pages)
22th - July 2016: Acceptance Notification

15th August 2016: Paper submission for special issue of JOURNAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY

This international symposium hosted within the project "When ancient daily life becomes UNESCO heritage. Scanning, digital restoration and contextualization of Dacian artefacts from the Orăştie Mountains, PA16/RO12-LP10" is bringing together disciplines, which, at the first sight, may look incompatible. On one side archaeology and ancient history is providing the artefacts and monuments of those civilizations that were lost for centuries. On the other hand, the IT technology and its most recent development of devices and gadgets will help create a virtual, but still accurate, 3D reality on those bygone worlds.


The convergent task of the two parts involved in the project intends to make the public more attracted to the understanding of cultural heritage by presenting the genuine artefacts and monuments in their historical background virtual reconstructed. From 3D reconstruction of fragmentary artefacts to the virtual rebuilding of ancient monuments this symposium will focus on the methodology, techniques and technology, and issues that can highly improve and innovate the display of ancient artefacts and monuments as digitalized models.


Workshop   (second day)

Digital cultural heritage  - an  opportunity to attract the public in museums


Venue Hotel Belvedere Cluj-Napoca, str. Călărașilor nr.1

Vineri 5 august 2016  - Sala  Miorița /  Friday 5 August 2016 - Miorița hall

9.00 - 9.55:  Welcome coffee

9.00 - 9.55:  Înregistrare   /  Registration

9.55 - 10.00: Deschiderea oficială  / Welcoming address

10.00 - 12.00  :  Sesiunea 1 - Sala Miorița   /  Sesion 1 - Miorița hall, Chair: Mihai Dragomir

Călin Neamțu

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Romania

Prezentarea proiectului LP10 PA16/RO12

Project LP10 PA16/RO12 presentation

Gelu Florea

Babeș-Bolyai University - Romania

Sarmisegetuza Regia - perspective arheologice în spațiul virtual

Sarmisegetuza Regia - archaeological perspectives in the virtual space

Cătălin Cristescu 

Dacian and Roman Civilization Museum Deva  - Romania

Aportul tehnologiei 3D în studiul ceramicii dacice din munții Orăștiei

The contribution of 3D technology to the study of Dacian pottery from the Orăștie mountains

Aysun Ozkose

Faculty of Architecture, Karabuk University - Turkey

Istorie din ruine: Povestea orașului Safranbolu, oraș înscris în lista Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO

History from Debris: Story of Safranbolu, city enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Radu Comes

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Romania

Restaurarea digitală a artefactelor istorice

Digital restoration of historical artefacts

Zsolt Buna

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Romania

Reconstituirea digitală a monumentelor istorice

Digital reconstruction of historical monuments

Doina Breabăn

Avitech Co - Romania

Camelia Achelăriței

Aptus Software - UK

Soluții la cheie pentru muzee

Turnkey solutions for museums

Lakatos Daniel

Matrix SRL - Romania

Echipamente pentru muzee

Equipment for museums


12.00-13.00  Pauză de prânz / Lunch Break


14.00 - 15.30  :  Sesiunea 2 - Sala Miorița   /  Sesion 2 -  Miorița hall, Chair: Gelu Florea

Vlad Santon

Blade Solutions - Romania

Realitate augmentată în muzee

Augmented reality in museums

Gigi-Aureliu BIRLA




Cele mai noi tehnologii disponibile pentru digitizarea patrimoniului cultural mobil și imobil

The latest technologies available for the digitization of the (i)mobile cultural heritage

Sebastian Dan

VRSD Consult - Romania

Oportunități de finanțare naționale pentru proiecte în domeniul patrimoniului cultural

National funding opportunities for projects in the field of cultural heritage

Mihai Dragomir, Diana Dragomir

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Romania

Proiecte privind patrimoniul cultural - surse de finanțare internaționale și oportunități de colaborare

Cultural heritage projects - international financing sources and opportunities for collaboration

15.30 - 15.45: Pauză de cafea   /   Coffee Break

15.45 - 17.00  :  Sesiunea 3 - Sala Miorița   /  Sesion 3 -  Miorița hall, Chair: Calin Neamtu

Vasile Tompa

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Romania

Analiza monedelor dacice de tip Kosson utilizând achiziția și prelucrarea imaginilor digitale

Koson Dacian coins analysis using digital image acquisition and processing

Ionuț Badiu

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Romania

Reconstituirea digitală a vaselor ceramice

Digital reconstruction of pottery

Oana Gui

Electric-Electronic Faculty, Karabuk University - Turkey

EwaGlos - Glosar european ilustrat al termenilor privind  conservarea  picturilor pe pereți si suprafețe arhitecturale - O poveste de succes

EwaGlos -  European illustrated glossary of conservation terms for wall painting and architectural surfaces - A successful story

Vasile-Ovidiu Prejmerean

Université de Fribourg - Suisse

Arhetipurile jungiene în opera lui Gustave Moreau (1826-1898)
Jungian archetypes in the works of Gustave Moreau (1826-1898)

Ioan Bratu

National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies - Romania

Constantin Măruțoiu, C. Neamţu, O.F. Maruţoiu , Z. Moldovan, A. Rauca, C. Tanaselia

Porțile Împărătești de la biserica de lemn din Sânmihaiul Almașului. Investigarea științifică a materialelor picturale

Imperial gates of the wooden church in Sânmihaiul Almașului. Scientific Investigation of pictorial materials


Recepție conferință   /   Conference Reception:   17.15 Restaurant Hotel Belvedere


Sâmbătă 6 August 2016  /  Saturday  6 August 2016

9.00 - 9.15: Welcome Coffee


10.00 - 12.00: Workshop:  Digital cultural heritage - an opportunity to attract the public in museums - will be held at the National Museum of Transylvanian History of Cluj-Napoca, Str. Constantin Daicoviciu nr. 2 in the Temporary exhibitions Hall, Moderators: Gabriela Gheorghiu, Călin Neamțu

12.30 - 12.45: Closing coffee break and conclusions