
March 2018- March 2019

1. C. Neamtu, C. Radu, B. Zsolt,  C. Daniel , Tehnici de digitizare a patrimoniului cultural „Patrimoniu 3D – Inițiative în documentarea și valorificarea prin digitizare a patrimoniului cultural din România”  Sesiunea Anuala de Comunicări Științifice a Muzeului Civilizației Dacice și Romane Deva, pe 15 iunie 2018

2.G. Florea, L. Suciu-Mateescu, G. Gheorghiu, E. Iaroslavschi, C. Bodó, C. Cristescu, L.P. Pupeză, R. Mateescu, D. Cioată, A. Henț, Grădiștea de Mune – Sarmizegetusa Regia. Campania de cercetări arheologice din 2017, la Sesiunea Națională de Rapoarte Arheologice, Cluj-Napoca, noiembrie 2018.

3. Călin Neamțu, Răzvan Mateescu, Vitalie Bârcă (Romania), Promoting and capitalizing on the vestiges from Sarmizegetusa Regia by modern multimedia methods, International Conference Past for the future and future for the past : Preservation and promotion of world heritage sites, Sighisoara, Romania, 10-14 Octombrie, 2018

4. Comes R., Popescu D. Future perspective and the long term preservation of 3D digitized cultural heritage assets, Acta Electrotehnica, nr.3 /2018,




Opening Exhibition: Virtual Incursion into the Dacian World



The establishment of two multimedia exhibition spaces capable of hosting mixed real/virtual exhibitions

In the project were arranged two exhibition spaces, which offer visitors the opportunity to interact with a virtual environment represented by digitized artefacts and virtual reconstructed monuments.

Thus in each of the two new spaces were installed the following equipment: multimedia 3D projector professional range (1pc.), multimedia 3D projector (2 pcs.) haptic device (2 pcs.), interactive table (1 pc.) Microsoft Kinect (3 pcs.), display 3D Smart TV (3 pcs.), 24" 3D monitor (6 pcs.), 3D glasses, system blinds for exhibition halls, showcases for the exhibition, sound system, lighting system for exhibition, anti-theft system.

Below are some photos of the two exhibition spaces.





Museum Virtual Tour and Catalog


Click here to open the Virtual Tour (recommended in Mozilla Firefox)